Winter Kids CLasses

December 11: ceramic mugs

In this holiday-themed class, fifteen students used handbuilding techniques to create clay mugs to use for hot cocoa. Mrs. Ashley fired the mugs in the BCA kiln, and students returned to apply colorful glazes. After the glaze firing, the mugs were ready to take home and enjoy!

january 29: process over product

In January, twelve kids showed up to enjoy a lesson that put a fun twist on the painting process. Each student used a variety of painting tools and a limited palette to paint. Mrs. Ashley led the group in a game of prompts to challenge them to apply the paint in unusual ways. The process was just as fun as the product!

february 12: Silhouette self-portraits

In this Valentine’s-inspired class, thirteen students developed a self-portrait to show their love. Each student received a silhouette of their own profile and filled it with drawings of the things they love.


February Student Studio


Youth Art Month